Gosh, I definitely need this advice! What does your desk look like?
"Do you feel like you’re buried under a mound of paper by the end of the day? If so, join the crowd. According to the Smead Corporation, which manufactures filing systems and records management products, the average office in the US spits out more than 45 paper missives each day – adding up to a whopping 1300 sheets of paper each month. Where does it all go?
"2) Start with the filling cabinet, not the desk
The rationale for that is simple. If you don’t have an orderly system for filing papers – and room in your filing cabinet to put those files – you’ll never get your desk cleaned. Toss out old files and review your overall system. Set up your filing system so files you need regularly are near at hand. Consider color-coding to group similar files together and make them easily identifiable. Move files you don’t need often to an out-of-the way location."
By Janet Attard, founder of the award-winning Business Know-How small business website & information resource.