Hearty congratulations to Leslie Stokes for receiving this award reported by Pegasus News:
"Leslie G. Stokes, Certified PP, PLS, TSC-CL, at the Law Offices of Steven C. Laird, P.C., in Fort Worth, has been named Legal Professional of the Year for 2007-2008 by the Texas Association of Legal Professionals.
"Ms. Stokes, a native of Fort Worth, was presented with the award at the Texas ALP’s recent annual meeting in Arlington. She has worked as a paralegal at the Laird firm for the past six years.
"Ms. Stokes works under the supervision of two attorneys on complex medical malpractice and personal injury cases. She is involved in every aspect of trial preparation, including handling upkeep of case files, meeting with clients, monitoring deadlines, coordinating and scheduling depositions, hearings, mediations, and expert interviews. In addition, she researches legal issues, drafts pleadings and discovery and does background research on witnesses.
"’Leslie is an invaluable member of our legal team,’ says firm founder Steven C. Laird. ‘Without her and our other paralegals, we lawyers wouldn’t be prepared to set foot in a courtroom. She is very deserving of this honor.’"
Such welcome praise from a lawyer!