“JAG paralegal soldier honored”

Well-deserved kudos for a paralegal in uniform:

"Spc. Tasha Carnahan plays a tough game of softball, her commander says.

"She also wants to be a tough lawyer in the courtroom someday, according to Col. Jerry Linn of Fort Leonard Wood’s staff judge advocate office.

"Linn spoke Friday at the Committee of 50 ceremony honoring Carnahan as Fort Leonard Wood‘s Soldier of the Quarter.


"Although Carnahan has been in the Army only 27 months, Linn said he was so impressed with her work that he assigned her to brief the commanding general on court martial and other judicial proceedings he needed to review for a final decision.

“She did better than I could have done,” Linn said.

"Currently enrolled in Columbia College with 24 credit hours toward her civilian paralegal degree, Carnahan said she plans to eventually go to law school and is considering entering the Army’s JAG corps."