Number of outsourced legal jobs expected to grow:
"Except for fighting court cases in New York or London for law firms there, Indian lawyers are doing everything else for their western counterparts – litigation support, contract review, patent writing and paralegal services.
"Legal process outsourcing as it is being called, has very high growth potential, and according to latest estimates, it can fetch 79,000 jobs in India by 2015.
"According to Nasscom [National Association of Software & Service Companies], estimates of current addressable market potential for legal services that can be outsourced from the US alone are pegged at $3-4 billion. It is estimated that only 2-3 per cent of the potential market has been tapped so far.
"’At present there are just a handful of companies which are into legal outsourcing. But the field has lot of potential… it needs time to grow,’ says Kaviraj Singh, of Trustman Group, which is into legal outsourcing."
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