Condolences if you work for a bully, but this article in The National Law Journal holds out some hope. I thought the survey results reported by the employer group, Employment Law Alliance (see list below), were startling:
"Abusive bosses who bully employees could breed a new crop of employment litigation, warn employment attorneys, who say there’s a growing movement across the country to make workplace bullying illegal.
"Currently, 11 states are considering legislation that would give victims of abuse like taunting and yelling the right to sue for damages. They are Connecticut, Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon and Washington.
"The alliance released the poll last month that found that 64 percent of workers believe an abused worker should have the right to sue to recover damages.
"The poll, based on a recent telephone survey of 1,000 American adults, also found that:
• 44 percent of employees have worked for a supervisor or employer who they consider abusive;
• 59 percent have experienced or witnessed bosses criticizing employee performance in front of co-workers.
• 50 percent have been personally insulted by bosses, or have witnessed such insults in the workplace.
• Southern workers are less likely to have experience with an abusive boss (34 percent) than are their Northeastern (56 percent) and Midwestern (48 percent) counterparts."
BTW, Monster has some helpful articles: Expert Answers on Workplace Bullying & Ten Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss.