“Superior Legal Web Sites to Watch”

This article from our friends at Law Technology News offers a bunch of helpful law links:

"We delve into our browser’s bookmarks this month, to review the recently launched Web sites of interest to individuals in the legal profession.


"Several sites help you search the content of blogs, but offer no way to limit your search to law-related blogs.

"A new tool solves this search shortfall by indexing only the content of legal blogs.

"Called BlawgSearch, it is the creation of Tim Stanley and his team at the Web site design company Justia. (If Stanley’s name sounds familiar, it’s because he was cofounder of the original FindLaw).

It launched in November, with an index of some 600 blawgs, and as of this writing, has more than 1,000, with more being added regularly.

"The site includes a directory of blawgs arranged by categories and locations, as well as a directory of other blawg directories. The site’s front page lists the most popular blawgs, highlights recent blawg posts and highlights a ‘featured blawger.’ Clouds display tags and search terms."

There’s much, much more in the complete article….