Where Do I Go From Here? Leveraging Your Background Is the Smartest Career Move You Can Make – Just Ask Chuck Smith

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your paralegal career is to not leverage your background. In fact, when faced with either entering the field or changing positions, the words "transferable skills" sometime seem to make a beeline for the exit as candidates get it into their heads that obscure skills in their past are not related to current positions. What am I telling you to...

Where the Big Bucks are for Paralegals – and it can make you leave the field.

Show me an employee who says the money doesn't matter and I'll show you someone whose nose is growing.  Paralegals are now facing a tremendous game changer - the advent of technology plays a significant factor in whether or not you make good money. Statistics show that paralegals without technology know-how earn fewer dollars than those that have the skills. That doesn't mean...

How Much of a Career Risk Should You Take Switching Specialties?

It's a sure-footed, absolute and positive, no mistakin' it gamble. Switching specialties, that is. Bored with what you're doing? Fed up with a paltry salary? Peeking over the fence to see who makes more money? Seeking that enigma: better challenge? Tonya Pierce addresses the topic today. She's making some good points. The main one being: THINK before you leap (and other relevant...

Are you calling yourself certified? Chances are you’re mistaken.

Here we go. One more time! I know I’ve written about this a few months back. However, the topic keeps coming up: certification vs. certificate.  There is a difference and at some point, if you are declaring yourself “certified” when you only have a certificate, trouble is coming. Guaranteed. A few weeks ago, a Bar Association contacted me to represent the Organization of Legal...

OLP Launches the First Litigation Support Certification Exam: First of its kind will set industry standards

LOS ANGELES – The Organization of Legal Professionals, an industry group that includes some of the most respected legal technology thought leaders in the field, announced today that it has finalized preparations for its Litigation Support Certification Exam.  The exam, developed in conjunction with Pearson Learning Solutions, a $7 billion company that specializes in...

When do you reveal you’re going to law school?

A paralegal posted a common question to one of the LinkedIn groups: “Am I absolutely out of my mind trying to find paralegal work, with no experience yet, only certification, and entering law school in the fall? Not exactly the ideal situation for a lot of hiring companies, apparently.” Naturally, I had to put in my $.25. No one who is seeking further education is out of their minds!...

Are you a “Certified Paralegal”? Maybe not.

I'm on my soapbox today with a pet peeve. I noticed that some paralegals are putting "ABA Certified Paralegal" on their resumes, social media or announcing it to friends and employers. Here's a suggestion: Stop now while you still can! Save yourself some embarrassment or even keep yourself from getting rejected from a job!The ABA does not offer certification. Certification is a...

There’s no such thing as an ABA Certified Paralegal…..

I'm on my soapbox today with a pet peeve. I noticed that some paralegals are putting "ABA Certified Paralegal" on their resumes, social media or announcing it to friends and employers. Here's a suggestion: Stop now while you still can! Save yourself some embarrassment or even keep yourself from getting rejected from a job!The ABA does not offer certification. Certification is a...

OLP eDiscovery Certification Exam & Courses – More Information

The Organization of Legal Professionals (OLP), a non-profit organization, will roll out its eDiscovery certification exam the second week in July. This certification exam has been in development for 18 months. It is a combined effort with some of the top eDiscovery experts throughout the U.S, Canada, U.K. and Taiwan. OLP has partnered with Pearson  VU, a $7 billion global education...