For those of us who are "old" hands at this, the information presented in a new book by Robert E. Mongue, The Empowered Paralegal, may seem pretty obvious. However, when I think back to when I was brand new on the job, (and very, very young), my first day was very powerful. The lesson I learned – remembered for a lifetime – was just how much I didn't learn in school. Like, for example, how to properly answer the phones; fill out a time sheet; organize a litigation file correctly and the all-time show stopper: understanding the attorney's understanding of the paralegal.
In The Empowered Paralegal, Effective, Efficient and Professional, Robert Mongue answers all these questions and more. Identifying job tasks unique to the paralegal, Mongue undertakes to explain the mysteries of handling and preparing clients, file management, managing your attorney, office policies, meeting deadlines, managing your litigation and more. The book explains the nuances and subtleties necessary to ensure your career is very successful right from the beginning.
Read this practical, easy-to-read guide even if you have a couple of years of experience. It's the stuff of superstars who somehow innately know how to make their job seem effortless and smooth, much to amazement of others mired down in chaos. This book is a useful adjunct to any course, especially "Introduction to Paralegalism" and is effectively designed for the student in an internship seminar or those entering the field.
About the author: Robert E. Mongue is an assistant professor of legal studies at the University of Mississippi. He has over thirty years of experience as a trial and appellate attorney. His practice emphasized representation of individuals, small businesses and major U.S. and foreign corporations. He is the developer of The Empowered Paralegal workshops, seminars and custom in-house training. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of The Organization of Legal Professionals (The OLP)
I also highly recommend his excellent blog: The Empowered Paralegal as the best blog for paralegals that's out there in cyberland.
Price: $20.00
Available through Carolina Academic Press Tel: 919.489.7486