“Looking for Clues in a Juror’s ‘John Hancock'”

Paralegals can be soooo involved in this process....: "For Bob Marx, a signature on a juror's questionnaire is more than a scribbled name -- it's a tool he uses to prepare for trial. "Marx, a personal injury attorney at The Law Offices of Robert Marx in Hilo, Hawaii, regularly hires a handwriting expert to help him select a jury. "'I feel like it's a significant competitive edge,'...

“JuryTest.net Creates Self-Service Internet Mock Trials”

Very interesting find from EContent magazine: "JuryTest.net, a provider of online mock trials since 2002, has launched on-demand access to its suite of online case presentation and evaluation tools. The JuryTest system is designed to enable attorneys to record, edit, and analyze case presentations any time of day or night. JuryTest case evaluations usually cost $1,000 - $3,000, depending...

”Mock Jury’ Site Readies Launch”

Found this new service on the always-informative blog, Robert J. Ambrogi's Lawsites: "A Web site offering mock juries where lawyers can test their cases is now online and preparing for a formal launch in January. Called TrialJuries, the site will allow lawyers to submit their cases and have them 'decided' by online jurors similar to those who would serve on an actual jury at trial." You...

“Keep Executive Witnesses From Falling Off the Credibility Cliff”

Here's an interesting article about corporate executive witnesses: "These are challenging times for those of us who represent and defend corporations in litigation. The recent criminal convictions of Enron's Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling only confirm what we have known for quite some time -- jurors are skeptical of, and even hostile toward, corporations and corporate executives. "But...