It's so tough out there right now! One day, we are not supposed to wear masks; the next, we should have been wearing them all along. One week, we are sure about a remedy based on the trials. The next week, it didn't work. A few weeks ago, younger people were safe. That theory was based upon data from Europe. It turns out that in the U.S., younger people are just as vulnerable as...
Today's guest blogger is Ted Brooks with this very funny and insightful blog. Enjoy!
LinkedIn With Donald Trump! (Legal Ethics)
Donald Trump loves me! It is certainly clear that he can spot a winner – a leader in the profession, at the top of their game. I'm sure that describes me, and must be why he has requested to join my massive and influential LinkedIn network (of a...
Have you ever been curious, even just a tiny bit, about what attorneys really think about paralegals? You can use a little emotional intelligence that might help. You know the new science: interpreting expressions, analyzing perceptions and evaluating emotions.
Or, you can go right to the source and just ask - which is exactly what I did. Why wait? The world goes around fast enough these...
Have you taken my class, Brave New Writer: Leadership Through Corporate Storytelling?
If so, you know how adverse I am to cliches. When I see certain ones, I just tell myself to keep walking past those open windows.
Phrases such as: As you know; if you have any questions, hit the nail on the head; attached please find; tip of the iceberg; avoid like the plague; catch-22; not in my wheelhouse....
This business of licensing paralegals is a hot topic. I wrote about this some time ago and interestingly, received a number of comments but not to The Estrin Report. The e-mails came to my business address. Why?
It may be a touchy area for some paralegals who don't want their colleagues knowing how they feel about licensing. It's a bit...
Anyone continuing their legal education encounters opened doors to new adventures and opportunities that are closed to those without the same benefits.
The value of continuing legal education increases every year. Without a college degree, including a degree from two-year program, the prospects of finding a high-quality job with excellent earnings is difficult at best. Without a certificate...
Our guest blogger today is Bob Sweat who has quite an impressive background in the litigation wars. Today, Bob writes about scanning..... In paper collections you usually find documents in folders and some loose in between folders. The pages are bound by various elements, such as staples, paper clips, binder clips and rubber bands. In the normal course of business it is not...
Tough week? Take a few moments to enjoy our guest blogger, Celia Elwell, RP and senior paralegal, who sends us interesting links and articles. Enjoy!
Judge Throws Out RICO Claims Against Johnson & Johnson, by Shannon P. Duffy, The Legal Judge Dismisses BP Oil Spill Fraud Lawsuit, by Maureen Cosgrove, JURISTJury Awards $900 Thousand In Age Discrimination Case, by Ellen Simon,...
The other day, a paralegal sent me a panic email. OMG! Licensing of paralegals had been introduced as a bill in the state of New York. Her reaction about the bill was pretty standard. In a nutshell, she was saying, "What?????"In short the bill: a) Requires mandatory licensing b) States...
The Organization of Legal Professionals (OLP), a non-profit organization, will roll out its eDiscovery certification exam the second week in July. This certification exam has been in development for 18 months. It is a combined effort with some of the top eDiscovery experts throughout the U.S, Canada, U.K. and Taiwan. OLP has partnered with Pearson VU, a $7 billion global education...