How many of you have experienced those dreaded words of change from your employer, such as: "I'm sorry, we've decided to downsize," or "We're merging with another firm, and we don't need your position," or "We're cutting expenses and only need you part-time or for less pay."
When a recruiter contacts you with an opportunity, that's your notice to reflect: "Is this the right time to change what I'm doing?" or "Should I stay where I am?"
We teach everything you need to know when actually working day-to-day as a patent/trademark paralegal supporting attorneys.
You become truly indispensable.
It’s a professional course designed to teach practical, marketable skills – the skills that employers and attorneys look for in an IP paralegal.
In the ever-evolving landscape of the legal profession, certain terminologies and labels can shape perceptions and the dynamics within legal teams. One such term, “nonlawyer,” has sparked considerable debate with the recent Petition for the American Bar Association (ABA) to Cease Using the Term “Nonlawyer.” To explore this topic, Chere Estrin, a seasoned legal professional and thought leader, will share her insights on why the term “nonlawyer” is problematic and how it impacts the legal community.
Above The Law's Olga V. Mac explores the issue with Chere Estrin
Chere shares story of HUGE Interviewing Fail!
"I always tell candidates to not interview in their bedroom: it’s too personal, people get uncomfortable."
"But she said she didn’t have another place to interview. So...."
Little did I know, fate had a twisted sense of humor that day.
....the pit bull suddenly veered towards me, its eyes fixed on me like I was a mailman with a bone-shaped package!
There is a petition going around to strike the term "non-lawyer" from use by the ABA.
I can't help but stick my two cents in:
"The use of the term "non-lawyer" creates an artificial hierarchy within the legal profession. It implicitly suggests that only licensed attorneys hold value or expertise within the legal realm, while others are relegated to a subordinate status." Rich Bracken, DeAnna Papedis, Legal io
Are you feeling like an underpaid paralegal? As paralegals, it’s our job to provide support to attorneys and clients, dedicating countless hours to research, investigation, drafting, and client engagement.
You serve as the point of contact when the attorney is not available. You also put in just as much dedication and effort into every case as the attorney.
How often have we heard someone say, “You’re the one leading this whole operation behind the attorney…”
Well, well, well, they said what about your performance? Surprise, surprise, it's performance review time! You strut in there like you own the place, expecting a standing ovation, a raise that could buy a small country, and maybe even a golden trophy labeled "Employee of the Millennium."
But hold the confetti! Instead of the anticipated praise, you get hit with a review suggesting your performance is in need of CPR. You might even be slapped with a performance improvement plan, and that raise? Yeah, about that...
Special Guest: Joe Spada, Boston University Paralegal Certificate Program
When contemplating the idea of leaving your current job, it's essential to meticulously weigh your timing, as it can be just as crucial as the reasons behind your departure.
Whatever you do, move cautiously and, never quit your job without having another to go to.