“Beyond compliance”

Helpful Q&A about content management systems:

"When the topic of content management comes up, it’s hard not to be reminded of comedian George Carlin’s riff about stuff (and how we have too much of it). But years of compiling digital data, not to mention more recent developments in legal and regulatory requirements, have forced CIOs to think more assiduously about how they keep track of data — not just so that they have it, but also so that they can find it when they need it.

"In this Q&A, Melissa Webster, program director in IDC’s Content Technologies research group, talks about why firms are focusing more on content management.

"Q: Why is content management becoming important?

"A: Compliance is a major driver. If you look at the parts of content management that are growing the fastest, you see records management, digital asset management, and e-mail and communication management. Relating to compliance is the surge in e-discovery and litigation support needs."