“Proceed With Caution When Deleting Data”

Good advice for paralegals, lawyers, & techies! "As dependence on electronic communication has grown, lawyers and their clients have faced new and significant issues relating to preservation of electronic information. "Electronically stored information is often recycled pursuant to a company's ordinary course of business, for example, through a computer system that automatically...

The great email debate: “To store or not to store…”

Where do you stand on this question? Read Experts Question 'Keep Everything' Philosophy & you might change sides! "'If you keep everything, you are saying, in effect, that all information is created equal, which it isn't,'" says Julie Gable of Pennsylvania-based Gable Consulting, an independent consultant specializing in electronic records management issues. "The solution is to...

Do You Know NAID?

The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), is the nonprofit trade association for companies providing information destruction services. Its mission is "to educate business, industry and government of the importance of destroying discarded information and the value of contract destruction services." Click links to find membership info, ethics statement, & NAID press...