“Ten Must-Have Apps for the Solo Practitioner”

More helpful info from Rick Georges, author of the FutureLawyer blog : "This month I'm focusing on application software. Although there are different software preferences for every lawyer, I'm sticking to Windows, since most lawyers use it. As with last month's article, 'Ten Must-Have Web Sites for Solo Practitioners,' picking the best of anything is difficult, so I'll focus on what I use...

“E-Lawyering Requires Rethinking Technology and Law”

Great article about the new federal discovery rules, describing these changes in an understandable, even humorous way: "This changes everything." "Those three words, wafting on the familiar, buoyant tones of the actor saying them, have staying power. No survivor of the dot-com boom of the 1990s could forget William Shatner's ubiquitous ads on behalf of a certain online travel...

“How a County Attorney’s Office Is Streamlining E-Discovery”

Hmm, sure sounds like this vendor might be worth investigating: "While the revised Federal Rules of Civil Procedure pertaining to electronic discovery that hit the books in December may have caused headaches for many in the legal profession, some discovered unexpected benefits. Case in point: the Nassau County Attorney's Office in New York, which implemented new technology to meet the...

LexisNexis Marks Launch of New Data Collection & Forensics Services Lab

This news makes it sound like LexisNexis has been very busy: "Based at the company’s discovery services headquarters in Bellevue, Wash., the new lab features advanced processing and industrial strength decryption capabilities currently found in very few non-governmental labs. This technology component joins the earlier established 'all star' team of specialists, each with years of...

Survey Shows Strong Financial Support for Technology in Legal Budgets

Well, this is good news for legal organizations & tech-oriented paralegals! "Gone are the days of pleading with law firm partners and in-house counsel about the efficiency and ease that computers bring to a legal practice. The 2007 Survey on Technology Budgeting and Spending , conducted at LegalTech New York, shows strong sustained support for technology in law firm and legal department...

“Legal Departments Tell Firms: Get on the Tech Train”

Well, that sure sounds like a smart slap at not-so-tech-savvy firms, huh? "When Aon Corp. slashed its outside counsel roster from about 400 to 23 law firms in 2005, it quizzed the firms about their tech offerings. 'We asked them about extranets, e-billing and litigation management,' says David Cambria, director of legal operations at the Chicago-based insurance giant. "But Cambria says...

Open Text Legal Practice Support

I'm not familiar with this software, but anything that aids efficiency is worth a look: "Open Text has announced new enhancements to its LegalKEY Practice Support Suite, designed to help law firms be more effective, efficient and compliant. "Open Text Legal Solutions provide an integrated product offering developed specifically to support law firms' business practices and proactive...

“Legal Tech Expert E-Mails His Wish List to Santa”

And what a smart wish list this is. I also think those paralegals already familiar with this stuff are smart: "Dear Santa, "I've been a good boy this year. I spent all my time helping lawyers and judges with electronic data discovery (EDD) and studying really, really hard about electronically stored information (ESI) , data harvest, spoliation, de-duplication , meet-and-confer ,...

“Five IT Blind Spots That Shut Lawyers Out”

Oh boy, doesn't this sound like an all-too-familiar story? "In a world where even the most senior of partners can now be found typing away on a laptop, an observer could mistakenly believe that personal computing is as straightforward as using the average toaster. Unfortunately for attorneys, computer software is mostly designed or implemented by computer people for computer people and not...

NFPA Launches 1st National Legal Technology Conference Specifically for Paralegals

Well, this sure sounds like a conference you should try to attend! "The NFPA2007:Tech.Institute: is the place for paralegals, attorneys and other legal professionals to gain knowledge, perspective and insight into the benefits, challenges, and pitfalls of legal technology.  Learn about major trends and technological innovations that will affect your career, your profession, and your...