“The Making of a Public Records Researcher”

This most helpful article was written by Genie Tyburski of The Virtual Chase: "What constitutes public record, public information and private information sometimes is as clear as mud. (For a discussion of the differences, see The Art of Public Records Research.) In a recent e-mail exchange concerning a proposal for a distant education course for journalism students on public records...

“ABA Raises Fresh Concerns Regarding Domestic Surveillance”

Nice to hear from the ABA about this important issue: "May 9, 2006 -- American Bar Association President Michael S. Greco today called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to carry out 'a thorough inquiry into the nature and extent of the warrantless domestic surveillance conducted by the administration,' and called any legislative action 'premature' until such an inquiry has taken place....

“States rush to remove data on residents from websites”

Well, this is good news for protecting privacy: "States across the USA are furiously removing sensitive data from official websites. "The task highlights challenges facing states with sites full of personal information on residents, from Social Security numbers to bank account numbers. "Such data is available in Florida, Ohio and at least a dozen others, say privacy experts who...