Manatt’s 2007 Summer Associates Include Former Legal Assistant

How many paralegals or legal assistants do you know who have gone on to work for major law firms? Well, here's news about one:"Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, the national law and consulting firm, announced its 2007 Summer Associate roster today. Twenty-one law students will be located in four of the firm’s eight offices: Los Angeles, New York City, Palo Alto and Albany. The mission of...

“The Real World According to Summer Associates”

Ah, who doesn't like to work with summer associates? "Law students today are a serious bunch. 'Although I appreciate the fancy lunches, dinners, ball games, retreats, etc., I am more interested in experiencing what life actually will be like as a first-year associate,' reads one typical remark from an intern at Heller Ehrman in Menlo Park, Calif. 'Make sure summer associates have enough work...