Informative Articles, Interesting Blogs…..

Our guest blogger today is Celia Elwell - back with another useful column of Informative Articles and Interesting Blogs: Legal Articles & Blogs:2011 a transformative year” for workplace class action litigation, by Ashley Post, InsideCounselD.C. Judge Orders Deloitte To Court In Subpoena Dispute, posted by Mike Scarcella, The BLT: The Blog of Legal TimesPiggybacking on Students' Free...

“Biglaw Plods Towards Mastodon’s Fate”

Goodness, gracious, this is a remarkable discussion about the future of big law firms! Thanks to lawyer, author, & blogger Robert J. Ambrogi for highlighting it in Legal Blog Watch:"When the general counsel of a major corporation says that the current model of the large law firm is heading towards extinction, ears perk up throughout the legal industry. That is precisely what happened...

“MySpace Helps Attorneys Find Clients”

Smart, very smart! This Legal Technology article describes what kinds of firms & clients might benefit from a page on MySpace:"When Missouri City, Texas, entertainment lawyer Leslie Warren Cross launched a page in 2006, he wanted a way to provide up-and-coming musicians basic information about the legalities of music contracts. "But Cross says that as he acquired...

“Some Job Hunters Are What They Post”

But you already know this, right? If not, I recommend reading this article from very closely (particularly if you're looking for a new job):"Plug a prospective employee's name into Google or any other Internet search engine, and you might be surprised at what you find. Web pages may tell hiring attorneys that the person they just interviewed wrote for an undergraduate newspaper...

Paralegal’s Commentary on Court’s Patent Ruling

Yeah, this news is about an important ruling by the Supremes, but it's also very nice to see an experienced paralegal being quoted:"When the Supreme Court of the United States ruled for KSR in the case of KSR Int'l Co. v. Teleflex Inc. , it also served notice to the software industry that major changes may be afoot in both the granting and protecting of existing software patents. "For...

“EDD-ucating Yourself About Electronic Discovery”

Not a new article  (Oct. 2006) from the ABA's Law Practice Today, but someone just pointed out that it says something nice about this blog. (How did I miss that!?) "It was back in July 2004 ( when Tom published the first Strongest Links article on the subject of electronic discovery as part of an influential EDD-themed issue of Law...

Paralegal’s “Obama” MySpace Page

Only in the brand-new world of user-managed online politics could news like this be reported: "The manager of an unofficial Barack Obama MySpace page tells MTV News how the campaign took his URL. "'They took it ... they just took it from me.' "That was how Joe Anthony described what happened this week when the campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama took control of...

“Patently Obvious?”

Another excellent post to Legal Blog Watch by lawyer & blogger Robert J. Ambrogi : "Tons of reaction among bloggers to yesterday's Supreme Court ruling in KSR v. Teleflex. Rather than attempt to summarize it all, I offer these samples. More on the impact of KSR. KSR v. Teleflex: The Supreme Court's Big Patent Ruling. Is there Sarbanes-Oxley Fallout from KSR v. Teleflex? Supreme Court to...

SF Paralegal Manages MyDeathSpace Website

Well, this is certainly a different way to expand beyond a day job as a paralegal: "Before the public saw the faces or learned the names of the victims from last week's Virginia Tech massacre, thousands of college students across the country were already starting to mourn the dead at a Web site called"Created in 2005 by Mike Patterson, the 25-year-old San Francisco...

“Virginia Tech Tragedy and the Law”

A compilation of legal & factual issues surrounding this tragic event has been posted on Legal Blog Watch by lawyer & blogger Carolyn Elefant:"As our nation continues to mourn the victims of the senseless Virginia Tech massacre, many bloggers' thoughts turn to the question of whether this tragedy could have prevented or whether others like it can be prevented in the future. ...