Always good to have thoughtful checklists for hiring vendors, I say. And this quiz from Legal Technology looks very helpful:
"There’s a saying that starts, ‘You know you’re in trouble if …’ But sometimes, by the time you know you’re in trouble, it’s too late to start asking ‘Why?’
"One example of such a time is with e-discovery and legal technology projects. If you’re halfway through the project and run into trouble, backtracking to correct the problem usually isn’t an option. A nearly ironclad way around that problem includes proper preparation and having the right team. These are key elements to the success of any legal technology project, from e-discovery to product-implementation schemes to training sessions.
"In this article, we offer the nitty-gritty for attorneys and others involved in e-discovery and other legal technology projects. Start the process of answering key questions by taking the consultant compatibility quiz…."
Authors Christin Martin and Kelly Lumpkin are consultants with Simpson Neely Group Inc., which provides technology consulting services to corporate law departments.