“Cottage a good legal source”

Don’t let the headline confuse you (like it did me!), this is a fun article:

"It’s an old-school lawyer’s paradise: Four rooms crammed with books bearing catchy titles like ‘Corpus Juris Secundum,’ ‘Bender’s Federal Practice Forms’ and ‘West’s Annotated Mississippi Code.’

"It’s not the Ole Miss or University of Memphis law library, but the pink cottage at 2615 Panola Street in Hernando fills a niche for lawyers and ordinary citizens.


"The library operates without library cards, borrower fees or official fines.

"’It’s on the honor system,’ Hernando lawyer Gerald Chatham said. ‘You sign out for a book and you sign back in when you return it.’


"Sonya Homan of Southaven, a paralegal student, has used the library for school-related research. She’s scheduled to get her associate degree from Northwest Mississippi Community College in Senatobia in May.

"’I’ve used it when I was taking my legal research classes," she said. "It was a tremendous help.’"