“How to Avoid a Bad Reputation at Work”

Very good career advice from LawCrossing, in a series of questions & answers:

"Little things that you do every day without thinking could be driving your coworkers crazy. Your bad business habits can give you a bad reputation and make you the topic of water-cooler gossip. Take a deep breath—and a good hard look at yourself—and then ask yourself if you are guilty of committing any of the following reputation killers.

"Are you nosy? People eventually get irritated with the person who has to know every little thing that goes on. If staying abreast of workplace happenings is part of your job, schedule brief meetings for people to bring you up to date. Otherwise, try to mind your own business.

"Are you unprepared?

"Are you a kiss-up?

"Do you share too much information?

"Do you have sticky fingers?

"Do you talk too loudly?

"Are you confident?

"Are you too wordy and repetitive?"

Definitely recommend reading the entire article & investigating the helpful links, if only to find out the answers to these questions!

One Reply to ““How to Avoid a Bad Reputation at Work””

  1. Hey, have you heard anything about these online paralegal courses and paralegal certificate programs?

    South University
    Everest University
    Rasmussen College
    Kaplan University

    Any information you have on the better schools would be great! Thanks in advance.

    – E
    Paralegal Degree Student

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