Making Career Resolutions

Not completely happy with your current position? Well, here’s a solid list of resolutions for changing your career:

"If you’re like most people, you have probably given some thought to New Year’s resolutions and what you would like to achieve in 2007.

"If you didn’t gain weight over the holidays and have no vices to give up (or at least none that you want to give up), then you won’t need to make traditional resolutions such as losing weight, getting in shape, or quitting smoking. But you can still resolve to improve your career.

"In fact, January is the time of year people are most likely to consider a career change. It’s a time to take stock of where you are in your career, and set goals for the future."

This resolution is one I’d like to keep:

"Volunteer for something I want experience with. I’ll stop thinking or talking about what I’d do if I had more time, and just do it. I know that I can always find time for the things I really want to do."