No Santa This Year Means Someone Gets to Eat

The National Law Journal published an article this morning stating that due to the economic crisis, some law firms are deciding to forgo their annual holiday celebrations and donate money instead.

When I was with the law firm, I hated those parties.  Contrary to what people think is an outgoing personality, I'm really a wallflower.  I don't dance too well, would never drink in front of my boss, and and am not good at small talk with people I see every day.  Never comfortable with how I look, the never-ending search for just the right outfit causes several gray hairs which in turn causes a trip to the hair salon for expensive coloring.  Bah-humbug.  Besides, the cost of some of those parties that some of the firms throw could buy a house in some areas of the country.  Unfortunately, not mine.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't be rewarded for a long year's hard work. And, the parties can be fun, despite my personal insecurities.  But in this economic turmoil, I was glad to read that "Foley & Lardner's Orlando, Fla., office decided a couple of months ago not to hold its annual holiday party, which typically draws as many as 700 employees and clients. The office will instead donate money to several charities serving seniors, handicapped people and families in need."

Also in Orlando, GrayRobinson will donate $150,000 to charities helping families during the difficult economic times instead of holding its annual client holiday party.  

This is great news.  It means that some people will not be forced to be empty-handed, go hungry or be alone during the holidays.  I can't imagine one person in any law firm that is turning the dollars over to a charity who would be sorry they missed the annual holiday party.  Are other firms out there doing similar things? We'd love to hear from you.

PS:  We've just announced the launch of our new publication for women in litigation called SUE.  (  We'd like to join others in donating a portion of our subscription to the Make a Wish Foundation so that a child in need can have the holiday of their dreams.  Join us as we join others in assisting this wonderful organization.

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