Paralegal: “A Fairly Well-Educated Chimp Could Practice Law”

Like the creativity involved in this paralegal’s pursuit of a law degree, but truly enjoyed all the comments following the blog‘s post [link in original]:

"A Connecticut paralegal has sued the state’s bar exam committee because it won’t let him take the bar, despite his earning a degree from an unaccredited Internet correspondence law school….

"Mel Thompson took law courses at West Coast School of Law, an Internet correspondence law school based in Downey, Calif., not accredited by the ABA. The school’s program — which has graduated ten students in its brief history — is designed for students who want to practice in California; it requires out-of-state students to sign a waiver before enrolling.

"Connecticut has filed a motion to dismiss the claim. Meanwhile, Thompson has some choice words for the legal profession: ‘A fairly well-educated chimp could practice law. It’s not hard to understand. For [the defendants] to put [the legal profession] on this pedestal . . . it’s a lie.’”

No offense to lawyer friends, but here’s my favorite comment: "I personally would hire a chimp to represent me than any lawyer."