Sounds like a good idea to us:
"ShadowCounsel, a paper and other media-to-digital [PDF link] conversion and remote paralegal support company serving law firms and other paper intensive enterprises, today introduced what is believed to be the first complete search and retrieval database processing service requiring no specialized software [emphasis added].
“’Two products, Summation and Concordance, currently dominate the litigation support software market,’ states ShadowCounsel President David A. Black. ‘We can and do provide imaging (scanning), OCR, metadata coding and load file creation for law firms and other businesses that have purchased either one of these fine packages. On the other hand, a lot of folks have neither the financial resources [PDF link] for costly software license expenditures, nor the time to learn how to use additional technologies. Therefore, ShadowCounsel builds search and retrieval databases that can be navigated via the freely available Adobe Reader, which is currently used by over 500 million people worldwide. This is not only an inexpensive route to go, but also maximizes a lawyer’s ability to share large document data sets through the use of a free, instantly available and extraordinarily popular product that won’t go belly-up or otherwise become obsolete in the foreseeable future.’”