Okay, this is very good to know! Lit support can be very expensive:
"Litigation support is an increasingly necessary service that helps attorneys and staff do all that they need to do with client data. Many billing options exist, but before we explore them, it might be helpful to identify the various things that commonly fall under the litigation-support umbrella. These include coordination of vendor support, database creation and administration, scanning/coding/OCR’ing documents, processing data for review, transcript management, converting data, capturing data, filtering data, producing data, media duplication, extranets, some trial presentation capabilities, and liaising with clients and co-counsel, to name just a few.
"In general, many firms use a combination of these [8 described] options or different combinations for different matters or clients. Regardless of choice, accurate time notes with a clear narrative will help those reviewing a bill understand and substantiate all of the work performed and the applicable charges. Additionally, time notes need to be submitted promptly so any questions or concerns can be addressed within the same billing period and before the bill is sent to the client. By doing this, a firm is better positioned to account for what it did, understand what was needed to do the job, plan for the future and make any necessary corrections.
"What is the best way to bill for litigation support? The clearest conclusion is ‘it depends.’"
James E. McKenna is Morrison & Foerster‘s firmwide litigation technology manager. He is based in San Francisco.