Hey, Mister! Where Are My 110,000 Legal Jobs?

Confused woman I get press releases.  Publishing two e-magazines (KNOW, The Magazine for Paralegals and SUE for Women LItigators) makes me a target for tons and tons of PR releases.  I just wish I could believe all of them.

Today, I received a PR release from LawCrossing.com.  Now, I have always thought there were some very interesting jobs on this website and frankly, it can give you an indication of what's hot, what's not, who's doing what and who's not.  The press release claims that since the economy started mending, there are 110,000 new jobs available in the legal field right now.  Wow!  I thought, holy moly………we're in the money!  We're in the money!  But – hold on there, 'lil fella…..

The PR release states, "According to the latest statistics available, 110,000 new jobs have been created in the legal sector as the nation continues its economic recovery."  OK, that's good news, given the number of lay-offs last year.  I get ready to go shopping. I dig into my purse for the plastic. It's in here somewhere. My heart starts beating. I dig faster – it's Macy's for me!  Enough with Target.

But then, the PR release states, "LawCrossing, the nation’s leading legal job board shows over 110,000 legal jobs available on its site. “Most of the new jobs are now showing up in the Midwest and West at small and medium sized law firms. Plus, there is a constant demand for paralegals throughout the country,” says A. Harrison Barnes, CEO and founder of LawCrossing.

OK – even better news.  Hey, I'm getting excited here!  Maybe we can make that Nordstrom's.  WalMart – you are a mere memory, baby!  The PR release goes on to further show exactly how many jobs LawCrossing has (they already said: 110,000 on its site).  The report states:

"Here is the latest data on openings in the legal sector as reported by LawCrossing:

• Attorney jobs (33,176)
• Partner jobs (292)
• Law student clerkship jobs (16,206)
• Legal staff jobs (13.617)
• Post graduate clerkship jobs (689)
• Summer associate jobs/internship jobs (846)"

Huh????  I added it up.  On my calculator, even.  Twice.  No, three times.  And the final total is: 64,826.  Yep. 64,826……That's 42% less than what they originally claimed just two paragraphs above.  Is someone up there in accounting land trying to drive a stake through the hearts of the unemployed?  What's the deal here, fellas?  Did I miss something somewhere?

Before you believe those press releases, check it out.  Before you claim a "trend" is occurring, use some common sense.  The lesson for the day is:  if it's written, it ain't necessarily so.  Too bad.  We can always use good news – but only if it's true.

PS:  Don't forget to sign up for the groundbreaking online, interactive,e-Discovery 8 week courses.  There's nothing else like this anywhere!