“Real Life Training for the Real Work World”

Brought to you by Estrin LegalEd and co-sponsored by Corporation Service Company (CSC), The Paralegal Leadership Institute offers two outstanding conferences in New York and Chicago:

This conference receives rave reviews!

  • I took your two-day seminar in San Francisco, and thought it was EXCELLENT!" Teddi Sutton, Kaiser Permanente
  • "I am inspired more than you could imagine by you, your team, and your company." Debra Harris, Wal-Mart
  • "The speakers were all terrific. You all did a fabulous job. I can’t wait until the next one." Anita Conley, Atlanta, GA

This day-and-a-half of over 35 workshops and general sessions is a training adventure you’ll be sure to enjoy. Here are just a few of the workshops:

  • Leadership Communications: "How U.S. Presidents Use Humor To Relate, Motivate and Communicate," by Malcolm Kushner, “America’s Favorite Humor Consultant" (as seen on CNN and "Larry King Live")
  • Using Electronic Minute Books for Corporate Maintenance
  • Eliminating Redundant Information Through Web-based Technology
  • How Paralegals Can Spot Money Laundering
  • 12-Steps to Better Cite-Checking
  • The Essential IP Paralegal
  • Successful Outside Counsel Management by a Paralegal Who Has Been There

Reserve your space now — seating is limited!