“Technology rules in the ‘courtroom of the future’”

Do you know how the ‘courtroom of the future’  impacts the work of court reporters (& paralegals)?

"With more than 30 years’ experience as a court reporter, Jo-Anne Galloway has seen the job change dramatically with each addition of new technology [PDF link].


"Before leaving the [New York State] Supreme Court, Galloway managed a Courtroom of the Future program, training judges and staff to use the equipment provided by her Real-time Reporting Service. She also taught attorneys about the available software through continuing legal education classes at the Monroe County Bar Association.

"The technology allows attorneys to get ‘real-time’ transcripts of the proceedings, freeing them to pay closer attention to witnesses instead of taking manual notes.

"Attorneys can also send paralegals portions of the real-time transcript, obtain appropriate case citations and use the information to back up an argument – all in a matter of moments, Galloway noted, rather than waiting for the next court session."