I hate it when companies "go boom," but this article really discusses what happens "when vendors let you down": "If you engage in e-discovery, chances are you depend on vendors to help you harvest, process, search and filter digital evidence. But is that a dependency that blurs the line between lawyer and service provider? "Selecting responsive information, planning...
Good article from Law.com about what not to do: "'So, I'd really like it if you could say this ...' "If you've just said that to your expert witness, you've just made his blood boil. And that's probably not going to be very good for your case. As engineer Steven Murray, Ph.D., of Exponent Failure Analysis Associates in Menlo Park, Calif., says, 'Our job is not to support a lawyer's...
See this article from Law.com: "In a move that has irked plaintiffs attorneys, the American Academy of Neurology recently revamped its 16-year-old guidelines regarding expert witness testimony by neurologists. The new guidelines were formally adopted earlier this year, but will not go into effect until Jan. 10, 2006. "The AAN maintains that the guidelines, which call for tougher...