The further adventures of "Article III Groupie," the funny, gossipy legal blog writer, are described in this NY Times article:
"It all began on a Sunday in November when The New Yorker magazine posted a "’Talk of the Town’" article on its Web site about David B. Lat, an assistant prosecutor for a little over two years, who — unbeknown to nearly all his colleagues, friends and family — was living a double life.
"By day, he was a promising young attorney who had grown up in Saddle River. But by night, he wrote a Web log called "Underneath Their Robes," an irreverent journal about the nation’s judges that spoke approvingly of "right-wing divas," conducted a write-in contest for "male superhotties of the federal judiciary," (one of the nominees was David H. Souter), described state judges as "ghetto" and "icky," and cattily handicapped the race for Supreme Court clerkships. Along the way Mr. Lat coined such terms as "litigatrix" and "bench-slap."
"It was a blog-world sensation, attracting a voracious readership from the Supreme Court down to single-attorney practices. But Mr. Lat, who this month was chosen to be an editor of the equally cheeky political blog Wonkette, had told no one except a close friend about his dual identity."
So, A3G gets a new blogging gig (Wonkette), has left the law (we think), & his parents are happy about that their son is famous. Gotta read this article for all the fun details!